Portrait: Carolyn (Katzer) Pruegert
* January 11 in Garnett, Anderson Co. Kansas.
Left to right: Her sister Marlyn, her Dad, Carolyn
Carolyn was one of the first members of the American Katzer Clan who contacted us after publication of the Katzer-Homepage. She is one of the descendants of legendary John Katzer from Mittel-Lipka in Bohemia who came to the States with his family in 1882. Carolyn grew up in Greeley , Kansas, where her brother Bob still owns a cafe/Bierhaus (highly recommended!!!). In Greeley she married Randall Johnson on July 3, 1982. Today she lives in Oklahoma City together with her husband and her two sons, Ryan and Bryce. Apart from the American language she speaks "Mischmasch" fluently, which enables her to make herself understood in almost any part of the (Katzer-)world. Free samples are available beneath the photos and on our Greeley page



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